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Whatever your income or experience level, come be yourself, as you explore the depths of yoga in a welcoming environment.

All of our teachers are experienced and bring unique perspectives.

Our classes are designed to be accessible to all levels yet challenging to any level.

Our indoor classes year round maintain a similar climate to our outdoor summer classes.

We love to read yoga books. Hit us up if you want any more recommendations!

At Your Yoga

Be yourself, more fully.

We are committed to providing a welcoming and affordable environment for your yoga practice to flourish. In practical terms, that means the following:

Our classes are priced in a way that puts people before profits.

We believe you have a right to be able to practice often, and our prices reflect that. We also have donation-based classes every week where you can pay whatever you are able to.

Our studio is a safe space free from judgment and competition.

Yoga is a practice that’s meant to develop your whole being – physical, mental and emotional – while also encouraging you to recognize your intrinsic beauty and worth. Our classes will provide you with opportunities to push yourself; however, we will never make you feel under pressure or insecure about the way you look or how your body moves. Certainly, incredible change is possible if you practice yoga with us. But first and foremost, we want you to come here and celebrate who you already are.


We do not post individual teacher schedules.

We are dedicated to helping you develop your practice, without growing attached to a specific teacher. All of our teachers are highly trained, and work together on an ongoing basis to present you with just the right balance of consistency and variety. We are committed to enabling you to find your own unique practice, that you love, and which will sustain you no matter who is teaching the class.

Our classes are almost all “open” level  We're firm believers in the open class format, which emphasizes the fact that an advanced practice isn't about doing fancy poses, it's about the sensitivity with which you do any pose. Nevertheless, we do offer some “basics” and “advanced” classes for those who wish to spend more time building a solid foundation for their practice, or exploring more intricate poses and pranayama breathing exercises.


The room is kept warm (not hot) at around 80 degrees and 40% relative humidity

The same kind of climate you'd feel on a beautiful early evening in summer. We believe this makes for a pleasant atmosphere that also allows your body to warm and stretch naturally, deeply and safely.


Recommended reading:

This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list, but here are a few books we often recommend to people who ask us. If you have a specific area of interest, feel free to ask us in person or email us, and we will recommend something.


Kahlil Gibran – The Prophet

A timeless and moving encapsulation of the human experience that we explore through yoga.

TKV Desikachar – The Heart of Yoga

An excellent introduction to yoga philosophy and practice.

BKS Iyengar – Light On Yoga

The gold standard reference book for yoga postures and common Sanskrit terms.

Gil Hedley – Reconceiving My Body

An inspiring memoir by one of our favourite teachers of anatomy and philosophy.

Stephen Cope – Yoga and the Quest for True Self

A powerful tale of a dancer-turned-psychotherapist and his journey into yoga.

Chogyam Trungpa – Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior

Tibetan yoga meets Western psychology.

Osho – Meditation: The First And Last Freedom

A superb introduction to meditation from one of the most divisive and intriguing yoga teachers of the modern age.

Robert Love – The Great Oom

A highly enjoyable re-telling of how yoga became popular in America.

Norman Doidge – The Brain that Changes Itself

An important book about the malleability of the human mind.

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